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Homebuyers consultation: when buying a new house or land for development whether personal or on a commercial basis we can offer a consultation which will involve visiting the site, assessing the local planning policy, physical and other constraints and the potential for further development. A development appraisal can be undertaken when sufficient information is known about site constraints and development ambitions.


Fire Safety Audits: architects are well placed to assess the fire safety of buildings having both a detailed knowledge of the legislative background to the design of buildings and their implementation and patterns in use. This service can be extended to include fire door safety checks, fire safety plans and staff training.

Project Management: we believe the architect is best placed in the construction team to balance and manage  the competing demands of most construction projects. And if we don't have the exact experience in house we are almost sure to know where to find it.

Site Finding: Like rocking horse droppings, but sometimes clients come to us with sites they don't know what to do with or they are incidental to other developments. Either way we like to find an acceptable use for them by working with the client to meet their aspirations on value and the constraints on the site.  We can even act to find sites or houses on a clients behalf. 

Principal Designer: the Construction Design and Management Act 2015 requires that the client takes an increased role in the procurement of new buildings and acts to appoint competent designers and contractors to manage and complete the work. For small domestic projects this is undertaken as a matter of course by the architect, where involved. On larger jobs a more considered approach may be required which requires a seperate appointment.

Visualisation: our expertise in the 3 D modelling of buildings and their environments allows us to produce CGI/ photo-realistic imagery, verified views for planners and also ultimately for the satisfaction of the client. 

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